Sunday, May 18, 2008

About health

1. Health is the most valuable asset in life.

2. Tired & unfit body will not be able to support you to pursue your dreams.

3. Tired & unfit body will affect your spiritual growth.

4. Without healthy body, dreams become meaningless.

5. Control diet begins with every meal, not the next meal.

6. Personal safety above all things.

About God

1. Faith response, faith action & faith walk.

2. Grow stronger spiritually, let your spirit controls your body & soul.

3. Learn to move in supernatural, super power & in spirit.

4. Never attend church under alchohol influence the day before.

5. God will supply all I need, not all I want.

6. Serving God & people faithfully.

7. Anything that affects the relationship of you with God is "world" as described in the Bible.

8. Love God & enjoy the world created by Him.

About Money

1. Spend your time & money to enjoy relationship with others. Relationship is built on time & money.

2. Money should be used to build relationship & bless others.

About Life

1. You can plan whatever you want, but only God will be able to let it come to pass.

2. Giving unconditionally & with no expectation. This is the most difficult lesson to learn.

3. Not to always consume, but to contribute.

4. Just do it. Do not think twice for the good things that need to be done.

5. Enlightening others is the most fulfill task.

6. Everyone has his / her strengths & weaknesses. No good or bad. Just has to use it at the suitable place & time.

7. Every decision you make will affect on your destination.

8. Just do it without further hesitation if the action is beneficial.

9. Your mind will give up first before your actions.

10. Man will tend to do easy & more confortable tasks / things first, not the important one.

11. Speak positively, even though in the worst condition.

12. Regular housekeeping will let you know what are the books that you have not read, the resolutions that have not fulfilled & dreams that have not come to pass.

13. Never do whatever things that you are not interested.

14. Be content with what you have now.

15. Rest & relax is part of the life.

16. Whatever dream that you have, begin with the first step that you take.

17. You may need to pay the price with your whole life just because of one wrong decision.

About Friendship

1. Only hang out with freinds, who can help you to grow in the same direction with you.

2. Easy to love those lovable, difficult to love those unlovable.

3. Sharing & chatting with your old friends is a wonderful experience.

4. You can share your happiness with everyone. However, only share your dreams & plans with your good friends.

5. Spend time with your friends & colleagues. Sometimes, their experiences will help you & encourage you.

6. Meeting old friends & sharing life experience with them are the enjoyable moments in life.

7. Relationship is strengthen in the time of trouble.

8. Sharing under intense alchohol influence is not a real sharing.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

About Family

1. Supports & love from others are uncomparable with the supports from siblings & relatives.

2. Children are God's blessing to mankind.

3. Integrity & faithfulness are the foundation of relationship.

4. Family relationship is the best gift given by God.

5. Family life is the most wonderful life.

6. You are your kid's best play mate.

7. Spend time with your kid, you will never regret.

8.Spend wonderful time with your love one & play with your kid regularly. These are the most enjoyable moments in life.

9. Try to enjoy the relationship with your in-law, eventhough it's sometimes very tough.

10. Try to arrange at least one night per week, doing nothing, just spend time with your spouse & kid.

11. Family is the foundation of success.

12. Be careful. Love of your chidren could lead to the quarrel between husband & wife.

13. When we as parents beating our kids, our kids feel pain physically, but we feel pain mentally & emotionally.

14. Laugher & smiles from your kids is worth for whatever sacrifices & things you have done.

About Work

1. Do your work with dedication. You will enjoy your work.

2. You are not able to satisfy everyone. Different people has different expectation. Just do your best & ignore the feedbacks from others.

3. Disobedience to your organization's leadership or at the workplace is a bad testimony to God.